how to Start a new project in app engine for linux with full details
I noticed that many people are
worried about using linux for this class, and are thinking about bailing
on the platform in favor of friendlier, graphical tools. I really hope
that this post will make some of you reconsider. Doing things through
the terminal is a bit less intuitive, but is just as effective for what
you want to do. Furthermore, the terminal gives you much more control
over what is happening, and forces you to have a better understanding of
what the app engine is doing under the hood when the shiny GUI
(graphical user interface) buttons are clicked.
I am using ubuntu 12.04 to write this post...
1 Installing python:
If you are using linux, you already have python installed!
To verify the version of python you have, open the terminal and type in 'python'. This will cause you to go into the python console (the command prompt will change from the terminal prompt '$' to the python prompt '>>>', and you should see something like this
2 Installing google appengine:
There are two ways to do this. One is to simply follow the steps given in the video tutorial:
In the meanwhile, if you want to get some extra practice using your terminal, you can install app engine by using your terminal exclusively! Just run the following commands in the folder you want to install the app engine. I am using the project folder in my home directory here.
You now should have google app engine installed! In my case, it is in ~/projects/google_appengine/ , and that is the path I will use from now on. Your path may differ, and you should change it accordingly in the following instructions.
3 Setting up a new application:
This is probably the first place where you ran into some trouble. In the homework help video, at around 2:50, the instructor clicks the "new application" button. This does a number of things, that are described in the following guide:
I will paraphrase the important bits in a linux-specific context below.
First, we need to make a new folder to house our application. I will be using the udacity-hw1 folder in my projects folder:
We need to create a python script that tells our program what to do. We can do this as follows:
Now, there is another bit of background business that the GUI for app engine does that we need to take care of. This is the app.yaml file. This is a configuration file that tells our app how to respond to requests from clients. Again, this is created automatically by the GUI, so we will simply copy that template for now. In terminal, in your udacity-hw1 folder, run:
4 Testing Your Code:
The next thing that the video goes over is the "Run" command in the GUI. All this command does is call the appropriate python script from the google app engine. Specifically, it calls the script. You can read up about the script by running:
We would like to test our program, however, so what we need to do is specify the folder containing our app for the script. We do this like so:
5. Deploying your app:
The first thing you need to do is to sign up for an account with google app engine. This is done by going to this link and clicking Sign Up:
Once signed up, you will gain access to your appengine control panel at This interface will allow you to manage your applications as they appear to users on the web. Make a new application here by clicking the create application button. You may have to get a bit creative to find an identifier that hasn't been taken yet. Name your application whatever you want.
Now that we have an online "placeholder" for our app, we need to update this with the code that we have created on our own machine. While this is a single button in the GUI, it is again a python script within the google appengine folder for us,
You can read up on what does by typing:
I hope this helped folks out there!
I am using ubuntu 12.04 to write this post...
1 Installing python:
If you are using linux, you already have python installed!
To verify the version of python you have, open the terminal and type in 'python'. This will cause you to go into the python console (the command prompt will change from the terminal prompt '$' to the python prompt '>>>', and you should see something like this
denis@banana:~$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 10 2012, 12:29:04)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
In this blurb you can see the version of python that is running on
your machine (should be 2.7, as above). When you are done using the
python console, type in 'quit()' or press "Ctrl+D", which is the
end-of-file command that will make the python console close and take you
back to the terminal. You should again see the terminal '$' as the
prompt.2 Installing google appengine:
There are two ways to do this. One is to simply follow the steps given in the video tutorial:
- Go to the app engine download site:
- Download the Python app engine for Linux by clicking the appropriate link.
- Find the .zip file in your file browser and extract it using the archive manager.
In the meanwhile, if you want to get some extra practice using your terminal, you can install app engine by using your terminal exclusively! Just run the following commands in the folder you want to install the app engine. I am using the project folder in my home directory here.
cd ~
mkdir projects
cd projects
cd is used to navigate directories. mkdir creates a new folder. wget
is a terminal command that downloads the file form the url that follows
it. unzip is the command that extracts the files and folders from their
archived state.You now should have google app engine installed! In my case, it is in ~/projects/google_appengine/ , and that is the path I will use from now on. Your path may differ, and you should change it accordingly in the following instructions.
3 Setting up a new application:
This is probably the first place where you ran into some trouble. In the homework help video, at around 2:50, the instructor clicks the "new application" button. This does a number of things, that are described in the following guide:
I will paraphrase the important bits in a linux-specific context below.
First, we need to make a new folder to house our application. I will be using the udacity-hw1 folder in my projects folder:
cd ~/projects/
mkdir udacity-hw1
cd udacity-hw1
Next, we need to create a number of files that will set up the back
bone of our application in a format that google app engine can
understand. This is done automatically when you create a new project in
the GUI, but it's really not too complicated.We need to create a python script that tells our program what to do. We can do this as follows:
This will open up a new program, gedit (which is like an advanced
notepad), with a blank file, The GUI automatically fills this
file with some template code to get you started (as you can see at 3:29
in the video), so we will simply replicate this code ourselves. (I am
sure later in the class we will get a more detailed overview of what
this code does, and start manipulating it to do cool new things). For
now, just paste the following into your file:import webapp2
class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
self.response.out.write('Hello, World!')
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/', MainHandler)], debug=True)
Save the file (File>Save or simply Ctrl+S), and exit gedit. This will take you back to your terminal.Now, there is another bit of background business that the GUI for app engine does that we need to take care of. This is the app.yaml file. This is a configuration file that tells our app how to respond to requests from clients. Again, this is created automatically by the GUI, so we will simply copy that template for now. In terminal, in your udacity-hw1 folder, run:
gedit app.yaml
This will open another blank gedit window. There, paste the following:application: helloworld
version: 1
runtime: python27
api_version: 1
threadsafe: true
- url: /.*
Save (Ctrl+S or File>Save), and close the window. That's it! You
now have all the code you need for a simple hello world program.4 Testing Your Code:
The next thing that the video goes over is the "Run" command in the GUI. All this command does is call the appropriate python script from the google app engine. Specifically, it calls the script. You can read up about the script by running:
python ~/projects/google_appengine/
The command starts with the word python, which tells your terminal
that you would like to use python to execute the following script. Since
we don't specify anything for the script to do, it just spits out a
helpful message about what it does and how to use it, and then quits.We would like to test our program, however, so what we need to do is specify the folder containing our app for the script. We do this like so:
python ~/projects/google_appengine/ ~/projects/udacity-hw1/
If everything is going according to plan, this will create a local
space for you to test out your code. Your computer becomes a server,
like the google app servers, so that you can locally test your program.
You will see something like the following:denis@banana:~/projects/udacity-hw1$ python ~/projects/google_appengine/ ~/projects/udacity-hw1/
WARNING 2012-04-19 16:15:03,217] The rdbms API is not available because the MySQLdb library could not be loaded.
Warning: You are using a Python runtime (2.7) that is more recent than the production runtime environment (2.5). Your application may use features that are not available in the production environment and may not work correctly when deployed to production.
INFO 2012-04-19 16:15:03,265] Server:
INFO 2012-04-19 16:15:03,267] Checking for updates to the SDK.
INFO 2012-04-19 16:15:03,326] This SDK release is newer than the advertised release.
WARNING 2012-04-19 16:15:03,326] Could not read datastore data from /tmp/dev_appserver.datastore
INFO 2012-04-19 16:15:03,346] Running application dev~helloworld on port 8080: http://localhost:8080
INFO 2012-04-19 16:15:03,346] Admin console is available at: http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin
We are particularly interested in the 4th INFO line, that tells us
that the script is now hosting our application on port 8080. So, when we
go to our browser and navigate to localhost:8080, we should see the
hello world message! Furtheremore, if you look back at the console, you
can see yourself making requests to the server every time you hit
"refresh", as so:INFO 2012-04-19 16:28:44,667] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
INFO 2012-04-19 16:28:44,699] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 -
This would be a good time to modify your files to finish the homework
assignment (make the page say "hello, udacity"). Once you are done
testing, you can "kill" the dev_appserver script by typing Ctrl-C in the
terminal.5. Deploying your app:
The first thing you need to do is to sign up for an account with google app engine. This is done by going to this link and clicking Sign Up:
Once signed up, you will gain access to your appengine control panel at This interface will allow you to manage your applications as they appear to users on the web. Make a new application here by clicking the create application button. You may have to get a bit creative to find an identifier that hasn't been taken yet. Name your application whatever you want.
Now that we have an online "placeholder" for our app, we need to update this with the code that we have created on our own machine. While this is a single button in the GUI, it is again a python script within the google appengine folder for us,
You can read up on what does by typing:
python ~/projects/google_appengine/
One bit of background work that the GUI does is to reconfigure the
app.yaml to point to the correct application id (the unique id that you
signed up for above). This lets the google web servers know what
application you are using and updating, as well as the url of your
application. So, we need to open the app.yaml file and change that line
to match the application name you created.gedit app.yaml
For me, the application id is udacity-linux-test, so I changed the lineapplication: helloworld
toapplication: udacity-linux-test
Save and exit. You are ready to upload your app to the world-wide-web! All that's left to do is run:python ~/projects/google_appengine/ update ~/projects/udacity-hw1/
The update keyword tells the appcfg script that you would like to
update the online version of your application with the contents of the
folder udacity-hw1. The program knows which online application to update
based on the unique application name in the app.yaml file. If
everything goes according to plan, you will see something like this:denis@banana:~/projects/udacity-hw1$ python ~/projects/google_appengine/ update ~/projects/udacity-hw1/
Application: udacity-linux-test; version: 1
Starting update of app: udacity-linux-test, version: 1
Getting current resource limits.
Scanning files on local disk.
Cloning 2 application files.
Uploading 2 files and blobs.
Uploaded 2 files and blobs
Compilation starting.
Compilation completed.
Starting deployment.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Will check again in 1 seconds.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Will check again in 2 seconds.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Will check again in 4 seconds.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Will check again in 8 seconds.
Checking if deployment succeeded.
Deployment successful.
Checking if updated app version is serving.
Completed update of app: udacity-linux-test, version: 1
Verify that your code is online by going to the url specified by your unique app identifier: This is also the URL you will submit as your homework assignment.I hope this helped folks out there!
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